The ASCO Post | 2022 Media Kit

About The ASCO® Post

The ASCO Post products group


The ASCO® Post, in partnership with the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), provides ASCO members, and all with an interest in oncology, access to important clinical news, summaries of timely peer-reviewed literature, and authoritative viewpoints on a variety of issues in oncology. Available in print and digitally, The ASCO® Post works to keep readers informed about the latest clinical oncology data. Under the guidance of James O. Armitage, MD, Editor-in-Chief, and past ASCO President, and a team of more than 40 editorial advisors from the United States and abroad, each issue features highly validated coverage of clinical cancer research and practice issues complemented by thoughtful commentary from leaders in the field of clinical oncology.

Keeping oncology clinicians up-to-date on:

The changing health-care environment

The ASCO® Post covers important policy issues related to value in cancer care, cost of cancer drugs, and funding for cancer research, all essential to advances in cancer care.

What your peers are reading

The ASCO® Post is the number one read oncology newspaper. Surveys indicate oncologists turn to The ASCO® Post to stay on top of important literature, data, and happenings in clinical oncology.

The newest drugs

The ASCO® Post announces FDA approvals of novel drugs or new indications for existing oncology drug products in every issue, keeping readers up-to-date on the latest treatments.

Timely oncology news

The ASCO® Post reports on clinical data presented at oncology meetings worldwide.

What's new with ASCO®

In every issue, The ASCO® Post publishes "Direct From ASCO," featuring editorial content provided by ASCO and written for ASCO members. Readers learn about ASCO initiatives and opportunities, including ASCO Leadership Development opportunities, Conquer Cancer (the ASCO Foundation) the Quality Oncology Practice Initiative (QOPI) certification program, Cancer.Net, and much more.

The most important trends in oncology

The ASCO® Post educates readers about important trends in cancer care, including the role of immunotherapy in patient care, plus reports on targeted therapies, checkpoint inhibitors, vaccines, and more.

The latest guidelines

The ASCO® Post regularly publishes comprehensive coverage of new and updated clinical guidelines from ASCO and the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN).

About ASCO

In 1964, a group of seven cancer physicians banded together with a single purpose—to improve the care of people with cancer. At the time, cancer was viewed as a monolithic and frequently incurable disease, with only a handful of hard-to-tolerate and mostly ineffective therapies available. Stigma and silence left many patients with cancer with little support or information.

ASCO has held true to this vision. Over five decades, ASCO and its members have established and advanced the field of modern clinical oncology. In many ways, the story of ASCO is the story of progress against cancer. As ASCO grew from its original seven members to nearly 45,000 oncology professionals, national funding for cancer research increased from less than $200 million to more than $5 billion annually. The number of drugs available to treat cancer grew from just a handful to more than 170. And, most importantly, patients are living longer and better lives. ASCO’s members, together with patients with cancer, patient advocates, and the policymakers, government agencies, and philanthropic organizations like Conquer Cancer that have invested in vital research, have enabled and delivered these remarkable advances.

Nevertheless, cancer remains one of the world’s greatest health challenges. Prevention options are few, and many cancers are still hard to diagnose and treat. But with recent breakthroughs in technology and molecular biology, cancer care is poised to change even more dramatically in the next 20 years than over the last 50. As we look to the future, ASCO is working to harness these rapid changes in science and technology to achieve even better outcomes for tomorrow’s patients.

The ASCO Post, in partnership with the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), communicates timely and unbiased news of clinical research and updates in oncology.

Since it was launched by Harborside in 2010, The ASCO® Post has delivered timely and unbiased reports on major oncology meetings across the globe, including ASCO's Annual Meeting and regional and thematic symposia. Additionally, The ASCO® Post provides readers with important summaries of evidence-based research from peer-reviewed clinical journals (fully sourced with links to original reports); notable research, data, and literature with application in the clinic, including cost considerations/implications; and columns from ASCO's membership, with perspectives on developments in oncology, quality cancer care, technology, electronic medical records, and expert opinion on the state and economics of cancer care.

The ASCO® Post publishes news from the National Institutes of Health, the National Cancer Institute, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the U.S. Congress, and other governmental agencies; developments in health-care reform and the impact on oncology practice; news from the pharmaceutical and manufacturing industries; issues pertinent to community practice, careers, polls, and oncology trends; and ASCO member milestones (relocations, appointments, obituaries, etc).

Each issue includes

News: Reports on clinical data presented at major oncology meetings in the United States and abroad—sidebars itemize key take-home messages, in an easy-to-read format.

Journal Spotlight: Summaries of important, timely peer-reviewed literature with expert commentary for added perspective. Plus, coverage of important papers from the ASCO publications, Journal of Clinical Oncology (JCO) and the JCO Oncology Practice (JCO OP) are highlighted in The ASCO® Post's departments, "JCO Spotlight" and "Spotlight on JCO OP."

News from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is included in every issue of The ASCO® Post in the departments "FDA Updates" and "In the Clinic." FDA Updates includes important news of newly approved oncology drugs and novel indications. In the Clinic examines a newly approved product in detail, explaining its indications, mechanism of action, and appropriate safety and efficacy data from pivotal trials.

Clinical Trials Resource Guide includes listings of clinical studies sponsored by the National Institutes of Health and the National Cancer Institute and/or major comprehensive cancer centers. Featured studies are those that are actively recruiting patients for participation and each entry identifies the study's purpose, primary outcome measures, principal investigators, and identifier.

Society News: “Direct from ASCO” features info from ASCO briefings, Conquer Cancer awards, QOPI and CancerLinQ news, policy items, and more.

Expert Points of View in hematology-oncology with a look at the contributions these individuals have made to improve the care of patients with cancer.

Featured Op-Eds and Perspectives on important issues in hematology-oncology, including immunotherapy, precision medicine, practice guidelines, quality care, novel drugs, and more.

Expert's Corner: One-on-one interviews with Key Opinion Leaders in hematology-oncology.