The ASCO Post | 2022 Media Kit

The ASCO® Post Meeting Highlights & Almanacs

The ASCO Post Meeting Highlights

Meeting Highlights are special A-sized (not tabloid) editions of The ASCO Post, featuring:

  • Clinical highlights of major oncology meetings
  • News coverage of plenary presentations and late-breaking abstracts
  • Introduction by Guest Editor providing expert clinical perspectives on the key takeaways from the meeting
  • 10,000 Added value ROS Impressions on
  Print Digital
Conference Specialty Audience Sent With Issue Print Circulation Production Deadline E-TOC #1* E-TOC #2**
American Society of Hematology** Hematology February 25th 14,000 1/8/21 19,500 8,000
San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium Breast Cancer March 10th 6,993 1/22/21 19,500 7,400
IASLC World Conference on Lung Cancer Lung September 25th 5,979 8/24/21 19,500 5,800
ESMO Med Oncs and Hem Oncs October 25th 14,000 9/24/21 19,500 8,600

Note: Bonus distribution (approx 100 copies) may be available at other meetings of interest.

Other meetings available include SOHO, SGO, ASTRO and others.

*sent to The ASCO Post E-TOC circulation

**As part of the ASH Annual Packages

Pricing for The ASCO Post Meeting Highlights






SOV #1

Cover Tip + TOC

50% SOV on Email #1 + Email #2

50% SOV of impressions

$60,000 net

SOV #2

Cover 2 + Cover 4

50% SOV on Email #1 + Email #2

50% SOV of impressions

$60,000 net

See ad specs in the Almanacs section below

The ASCO Post Almanacs

A round-up of news items specific to a disease site and/or tumor type, including important clinical trial data, emerging therapies, and expert perspectives. The ASCO Post Almanacs are distributed via mail and emailed to a self-identified target audience plus Med Onc and/or Hem Onc readers of The ASCO Post

Advertising Package

50% SOV includes print and digital components.

Specifications for Meeting Highlights Issues and Almanacs

Bleed: 8.375" × 11.125"
Trim: 8.125" × 10.875"
Safety: 7.625" × 10.375"

A-size spread
Bleed: 16.5" × 11.125"
Trim: 16.25" × 10.875"
Safety: 15.75" × 10.375"
with a 0.5" safety down the middle

The Almanacs are special A-sized (not tabloid) editions of The ASCO Post, featuring:

  • Review of the year's news in a specific area of cancer, with a look at what's on the horizon
  • Introduction by Guest Editor offering expert perspective on the major clinical advances over the past year and highlighting their relevance to practicing oncologists.

Topic areas available* include:


Head and Neck Cancers


GU Cancers, Melanoma


Supportive Care


Lung Cancers




CNS Malignancies, GI Cancers, GYN Cancers, Prostate Cancers


Breast Cancer


Hematologic Malignancies

*Issue dates are flexible, please contact your representative for more information.

Pricing for Almanacs






SOV #1

Cover Tip + TOC

50% SOV on Email #1 + Email #2

50% SOV of impressions

$60,000 net

SOV #2

Cover 2 + Cover 4

50% SOV on Email #1 + Email #2

50% SOV of impressions

$60,000 net

For more information, contact your sales representative or email us at