The ASCO Post | 2022 Media Kit

Print Advertising Guidelines

Advertising Policies

Placement of Advertising: Interspersed within articles. Placement location is at the discretion of Harborside.

Acceptance of Advertising

All advertising is subject to approval of the Editor-in-Chief, publisher, and ASCO. New advertisements are to be received by the publisher at least two weeks before the closing date. Please email all ad proofs to Norman W. Virtue at The publisher reserves the right to label any advertisement as such for any ads that contain significant editorial content or that look like editorial pages.

The advertiser and advertising agency accept and assume liability for all content (including text, representations, illustrations, opinions, and facts) of advertisements and their compliance with all applicable laws and regulations and also assume responsibility for any claims made against the publisher or ASCO arising from or related to such advertisements.

Advertiser and advertising agency recognize and accept that the following language appears within the publication: “All statements, including product claims, are those of the person or organization making the statement or claim. Neither the publisher nor ASCO adopts any such statement or claim as its own, and any such statement or claim does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the publisher or ASCO.”

In the event that legal action or a claim is made against the publisher or ASCO arising from or related to such advertisements, the advertiser and advertising agency agree to fully defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the publisher and ASCO and to pay any judgment, expenses, and legal fees incurred by the publisher or ASCO as a result of said legal action or claim.

In addition, the publisher reserves the right to reject or discontinue any advertising for any reason. This right shall not be deemed to have been waived by acceptance or actual use of any advertising matter.

The publisher reserves the right to label any advertisement as such for any ads that contain significant editorial content or that look like text pages. The publisher is not liable for delays in delivery and/or nondelivery due to any condition beyond the control of the publisher affecting production or delivery in any manner.

The publisher reserves the right to reject any advertising that it believes is not in keeping with the publication’s standards.

Advertiser and advertising agency agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the publisher from any and all liability for content (including text, illustrations, representatives, sketches, maps, trademarks, labels, or other copyrighted matter) of advertisement printed or the unauthorized use of any person’s name or photography arising from the publisher’s reproduction and publishing of such advertisements pursuant to the advertiser’s or agency’s order.

Earned Frequency

Earned Frequency: Harborside will determine the number of pages and fractions of pages placed in The ASCO Post during the year.

Combined Frequency: Harborside will combine all advertising insertions of a parent company and its subsidiaries to determine the earned rate.


A) Reprint/ePrint Orders

Commercial article reprints and electronic reprints (ePrints) are available.

Please contact Amy Schriver, Manager, Content Solutions, The Sheridan Press.

800-635-7181 Ext. 8184;

B) Availability of ASCO Mailing List

Contact Infocus Marketing Inc. List Manager, 4245 Sigler Road, Warrenton, VA 20187; 540-428-3251; or

C) Sponsorship Opportunities Available

Supplements, special issues, newsletters, patient education material, and additional customized opportunities available.

Agency Discounts

Fifteen percent (15%) of gross billings on space, color, cover, and preferred position charges. Additional production charges are noncommissionable.